I was sitting at my kitchen table last night, putting together boxes so that when the Reclaim Journals arrive on Friday I can pack them and ship them to the beautiful women who have ordered them already! Something made me stop and just take a look around with tears in my eyes...
I wasn't sure about pre-orders at first. I was going to wait until they actually came in before I put them up for sale. A couple of friends actually kept prompting me to do pre-sales so that I can get the ball rolling once they came in. Hesitantly, I agreed and was taken aback my the response! I ordered 50 gifts with purchase for anyone who ordered before they came out physically because I KNOW the agony of waiting that long for something you order. Especially with the amazing service from retailers these days on shipping turn-around.
Y'all... all 50 of them were sold AND THEN SOME!!! I ran out of gifts!
That's not even the amazing part. You ready?
All but 1 person who ordered a journal were people I already knew. This... Doesn't... Happen!
Even Jesus was not welcomed so warmly in his home town... and He was PERFORMING MIRACLES!!!!!
Of COURSE Jesus doesn't get jealous (haha). But it was fun to think that maybe he would look at me playfully like, "I didn't even get that kind of response from my peeps!" and then give me an elbow and a chuckle with a congratulating look on his face.
The people I have in my corner are genuine too. They are supporting me AND investing in themselves at the same time. There are so many "self-development" resources out there. They didn't have to buy MY journal to start their New Years Resolution journey! They didn't have to follow my posts, comment words of encouragement, check out my website, sign up for my emails, and support me by purchasing a journal not only for themselves but for others!!!
I am beyond blessed by the amount of cheerleaders in my corner! I'm posting this blog for two reasons...
I want to THANK YOU... Everyone who has said a positive word to me, followed me, supported me, prayed for me, bought a journal, and talked about it to others.
I want you to know that YOU have cheerleaders too!!! I've noticed the amount of people you have supporting you is WAY bigger than you even know. Open your heart to let them love you! Trust that people DO want to help you (sometimes they don't... but sometimes they do).
Women are labeled as catty and jealous... y'all I have had girls that were catty and mean. But guess what?? I can count them on my fingers... The amount of women who are supportive and genuinely care about me, my success, my heart and my family? There are too many to count. This whole publication was made possible because of people who literally GAVE of themselves, their resources, their time and their heart to make this happen with no promise of a return on investment!
This blog seems to have no point as I'm re-reading what I wrote (new at this obviously)... but honestly... I had to say it. For no other reason than to just put my gratefulness in print. My happy tears have been abundant this year. That is a HUGE deal considering that for 8 years, I cried sad tears almost every day.
Thank you. You've all played a huge part in turning my tears from despair to delight.
You've helped me RECLAIM MY TEARS!