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My Word for 2022 is "Love"

I absolutely adore this picture!

The fact that the "L" is backwards reminds me that love is never perfect (I get that its a stamp but it's just how it looked to me).

And the "3" in there reminds me that love is not always what you think it will be.

I have learned SO much about love in the last year. Everything I have done was out of love. Love for myself, my kids, my family, my friends, my coworkers, and even strangers. When I look at this Reclaim Journal, all I see is love.

Self-Love is the most beautiful realization I have come across and it affects EVERYONE around me. I've seen the affects of it first hand over and over again.

I have tried loving others before myself, because I thought it was righteous, holy, selfless, etc. But all it did was break me down, wonder who I was, and even if I was doing anything right. Because here is the thing, people will take from you. They will take the love you give and use it for themselves. Not on purpose, it's just human nature. And then their demands will change, and the way you were loving them before is not the way they want it now... Not on purpose, it's just human nature.

If you love yourself, you will always have joy to give. You will always have an attractive and contagious energy to share. You will always know that everything you are doing is aligned with your beliefs and therefore makes you even more truly who you really are.

Self-Love is the answer. I believe it. I just had to learn how. That's what this journal is for. It teaches HOW to love yourself! I can't wait for you to try it!

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