Nhkata Bay in Malawi to be exact!
I have a friend that lives in Malawi with three beautiful daughters. As you can see in her picture, she is stunning as well! I first met her in high school, and now she's my hero!
Following Teneil Jayne on Facebook is like watching a movie. Or maybe like a TV Series, where you want to check in each week to see what's on the new episode!
Her story and her life is quite incredible... which is what makes her new book, If Only, a must-read! I started reading it and my roommate stole it after the first chapter! I stole it back to read the next 10. She stole it back to read the whole thing!
What makes the purchase of Teneil's book so unique, is that the proceeds of the purchases go towards building her and her adopted daughters a house. Right now they live in a small little thing that keeps getting broken into by thieves. She has a little bit of land that would be great for a secure house for her and her three daughters, but she needs the funds to do so.
Why build Teneil a house? What's so special about her.
If you want to completely understand her heart and her mission, go listen to Teneil Out Loud - her podcast. There are 4 episodes and it will give you a really good idea of who she is and what she's doing in Malawi.
It tells of her tremendous giving heart. It tells of her soft and gentle love for the ones who are labeled "unwanted" or "unworthy". It tells of her reputation among her people in Nhkata Bay. It tells of her friendships, frenemies, family and community.
A tiny small taste of what I'm referring to: a little girl was engulfed in a flesh eating illness. Her lips were so raw she had a hard time eating. Her feet and hands were so raw it was hard to
walk. Her family was scared that it was contagious, so they abandoned her. Teneil took her in. They started down a long road of treating her wounds and healing. Teneil became a foster mom in that moment. She was able to heal ALL of her wounds and the little girl began thriving! Teneil speaks of her bravery, her stoic strength, and her child-like joy throughout the whole process. After this, more children were brought to Teneil. Long story very short, Teneil has since adopted three of the beautiful young ladies she had fostered, and through a lot of healing in so many ways, now has a family as a single mom.
I know how hard being a single mom is in America... I can't imagine being a single mom in an East African village!!!
On top of that she's built a school, helped countless people get furniture, fix their houses, treat illnesses, etc. She's the town's HOPE.
On top of the heart of gold Teneil has on her sleeve, she is STRONG. She is FUNNY. And she is completely and wholly ORIGINAL! Her book is only a piece of her. Please follow her on Facebook, listen to her Podcast Teneil Out Loud, and listen to the Shattered to Unbreakable episode that aired TODAY with her as our Guest! She is the first guest on Season 2 and she is kicking off the "WOR-rior Series"! You'll see why that is so fitting! You can listen to that episode here:
Do you want to help Teneil in her life's work? Here's how, it's very simple. She has a goal to reach 8,000 followers while she is here in America. This helps to spread her message to further her work. Hop on over to her facebook page and hit FOLLOW! She only needs 37 more people! Here's the link to make it easy -
And if you'd like to buy her book on Amazon here is the link:
If you prefer Audiobook, don't worry, it's coming soon!
She coined the outro "Stay Salty my Friends!"
Sound familiar? I asked her if I could steal it! So my "Stay Sparkly" is from her! Thanks Teneil! I love it and it always makes me think of you!
Stay Sparkly Sweet Sisters!